Alaska State Rep. David Eastman Fights 'Radical Marxists' Weaponizing 'the Judicial Branch' to Throw Him From Office

by Gage Skidmore is licensed under Creative Commons

Alaska State Representative David Eastman, a conservative Republican representing Wasilla, is fighting to keep his elected seat against a legal proceeding that aims to disenfranchise voters and boot him from office.

Because Eastman once supported the Oath Keepers, a controversial constitutional rights’ organization whose members were allegedly involved in violence during the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol protest, he is being targeted by judicial overreach. The courts are looking to eject him from office and replace him with the second-highest vote getter, who only received 27 percent of the vote in the midterm election.

It is being argued in the court of law that Eastman “advocates the overthrow by force or violence of the United States or of a State” because he supported the Oath Keepers, a specious rationale that is being exploited in a partisan attempt to reverse an election.

“Defending the rights of We The People to elect who represents our best interests in public office is an extremely important battle. The Northern Justice Project has brought this battle today by pursuing this fraudulent lawsuit to overturn the ballot box,” Eastman said in a press release.

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