Air Force Academy Suffers 46 Percent Drop in Qualified Applicants in One Year as Woke Military Goes Bust

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The Air Force Academy reported a year-over-year loss of 46 percent of qualified applicants as woke ideology takes its toll on American national security.

Overall, the AFA declined by 28 percent in terms of total applications from 2021 to 2022 from 11,615 to 8,393. In terms of “qualified candidates,” the drop off is even more steep. The total number of qualified candidates dropped from 3,279 to 1,775 from 2021 to 2022.

The Air Force is claiming that the drop is due to COVID-19, and these numbers are nothing to be concerned about.

“The Academy believes that cancellation of in-person recruiting and information events across the nation and at the Academy during the height of the pandemic, while a prudent health and safety concern, impacted the overall number of applications for the Class of 2026. With the return of in-person recruiting and information events we are already up nearly 1,700 applications from this point last year,” said Air Force Col. Arthur Primas Jr., the academy’s director of admissions.
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