Ad Slams Sen. Hoeven for His Silence on Chinese Land Purchase in ND

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  • Source: Breitbart
  • 10/03/2022
An ad slamming Sen. John Hoeven (R-ND) for being silent on Chinese land purchases in North Dakota was launched statewide in North Dakota on Saturday.

Advance Liberty PAC, an American first oriented fund, is responsible for the $100,000 ad buy, which will run from October 1st through 20th.

“North Dakota voted for Donald Trump not Joe Biden. So why is John Hoeven acting like Joe Biden’s manservant. Hoeven championed Biden’s radical spending bill that crushed North Dakota families. The Chinese infiltrating North Dakota? Hoeven was silent for months,” the ad states.  “No more excuses.”

A Chinese company, named the Fefang Group, bought 300 acres in North Dakota and reportedly intends to build a corn milling plant. But the land is near Grand Forks Air Base, which has raised national security questions for residents in Grand Forks. Those questions were initially downplayed by Hoeven as a local issue, according to State Rep. Rick Becker, who is challenging Hoeven in the Senate race as an independent.
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