'Accountability Over Unity' by Vincent 

White House circa 2012. by René DeAnda is licensed under unsplash.com
Let me start by saying I’m beyond excited for what’s about to come January 20th, 2025.  I assumed that a Donald Trump election day victory would have given me all the satisfaction I would ever need, especially since republicans now control both houses of congress as well.  Despite the difficult journey getting here, every sacrifice has been worth the outcome. 
One thing is certain, we have questions that need answering, sooner, rather than later.  It would be easy to just say live and let live, forgive, and forget, or let’s just move on for the sake of unity.  We tried that in 2016, and in 2020, remember?  The truth is, democrats don’t want unity, they want unconstrained power, and more of it.   Once you come to grips with that, everything else is rudimentary.         
Furthermore, a price must be paid for the progressive left’s abhorrent conduct the last ten years, otherwise Trumps second presidential term will simply be a political purgatory for the progressive chameleons as they plot the next palace coup. 
After the first assassination attempt on President Trump, I opined that if the would-be assassin had been successful, this would have been the catalyst for American citizens to take up arms against its oppressors.  For years democrats have been promoting and encouraging this civilian encounter, and, in many cases directly inciting it. 
Opening fire on the president elect was simply the next logical step for the violent democrat propogandist machine. 
These autocrats must be held accountable for bringing America closer to civil war than it has been in 60 years.  The mainstream media, the legacy media, and print media all conspired to overthrow the will of the American people; and for that fact alone, a reckoning is mandatory.  
They’re guilty of promoting antisemitism, advocating for political persecution, enabling election fraud, encouraging discrimination; and probably the most egregious of all, they actively supported the weaponization of government against the American people.  There can be no forgiveness for this.   
Now that every bit of their credibility is gone, they no longer deserve a seat at the proverbial table, they are hereby exiled into irrelevance.  Same goes for academia, the medical industrial complex, big tech, and of course progressive elected officials. 
Axioms like those that don’t understand history are doomed to repeat it ring especially true in this case.   The idea that we should go on as if nothing has happened is both foolish and irresponsible.  Any façade of togetherness masks the underlying fractures still festering within.  When the lawbreakers and liars are finally held to account, only then can healing begin. 
Acts of contrition must be heartfelt, and at this point, the entrenched left shows no sign of repentance.  When we refuse to address our conduct, we deny the authentic bond that comes from basic human decency.  Without acts of contrition, the possibility of genuine unity will remain unattainable. 
Democrats must learn that power does not equate to impunity; they serve a populace that expects transparency and fidelity to constitutional ideals.  Any actions without the humility of acknowledgment is merely a partisan performance; and thus, not acceptable.   
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