‘Abortion Is Patriarchal Oppression’: Progressive Pro-Lifers Dismantle Leftist Talking Points Outside Supreme Court

Stop abortion by Maria Oswalt is licensed under unsplash.com
The media was reminded Tuesday evening that not all leftists are pro-abortion rights as a group of pro-life progressive activists rallied outside of the United States Supreme Court, offering their own views on the topic.

On Monday, after Politico cited a majority opinion draft that indicated the U.S. Supreme Court was prepared to overturn Roe v. Wade, supporters, and opponents of that potential decision began gathering outside the High Court. Those protests continued Tuesday evening as members of the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU) made their voices loud and clear in opposition to their pro-abortion rights counterparts.

Kristin Monahan, the executive coordinator of PAAU, told the crowd that “abortion is by far the most patriarchal oppressive concept ever created towards women or children, or people with uteruses, and we’re all oppressed under its fascist regime.”

“We all deserve better. So many women want to die because of their abortions because they grieve their dead children,” she added. “And they were told their children were just clumps of cells, and then they read an embryology textbook and they realize how much they were lied to, and then they grieve their dead children and have PTSD meltdowns because no one told them their children were their children.”
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