A major new development in the Hunter Biden laptop scandal

MBP by Michał Kubalczyk is licensed under unsplash.com
The Washington Examiner’s new reporting on the Hunter Biden laptop saga marks a giant leap in the public’s understanding of a significant story of national import. A story that was reprehensibly suppressed in the run-up to the 2020 election.

For one thing, the Washington Examiner has put to rest the risible claims that the laptop’s digital contents are not authentic. Plainly, the contents were produced by Biden’s operation of the laptop and nothing else. An exacting technical analysis performed by a highly qualified expert, retained by the Washington Examiner based on his decades of government and private work in the field, confirms what has been patent since the laptop emerged as a public controversy in the weeks just prior to the 2020 election: The laptop belonged to Hunter Biden.

The thousands of emails, memos, ledgers, and photos contained on the laptop were generated by his use of it. To have suggested the laptop’s contents were the result of a hack, a plant, or (most preposterously, Russian intelligence service disinformation) was grossly irresponsible. There was scant evidence that the information could have been fabricated, in comparison to overwhelming evidence that the information, though startling in many particulars, was what one would reasonably have expected to find on a Hunter Biden laptop. Expected to find, that is, given the younger Biden's notoriously shady foreign business entanglements, his network of family and friends, his history of trading on his father’s political influence, and his demons.
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