49 States Are Handing Voter Registration Forms to Illegal Immigrants Applying for Welfare

The immigrants applying for welfare, many of whom are in the country illegally and are remaining here on parole awaiting asylum hearings set for years in the future, are not asked to provide proof of citizenship before they are given the registration forms.

In the majority of states, anyone applying for welfare or seeking a driver’s license is also issued voter registration forms, according to the NY Post investigation.

Many welfare benefits are available to non-citizens, who are often supported entirely by U.S. taxpayers after they enter the country, and, in some states like Massachusetts and New York, drivers licenses are issued to all individuals regardless of immigration status.

Arizona is the only state that does not hand out voter registration forms to welfare applicants regardless of citizenship.

Federal voter registration forms do not require any proof of U.S. citizenship, meaning that any illegal immigrant who has already demonstrated a disregard for American laws by entering the country illegally can simply lie about their citizenship status and register to vote with very little difficulty or risk of detection.

Earlier this year, a Maine official outlined how easily a non-citizen can vote in the state since voter registrars are not required to check the immigration status of potential voters.

The clerk, which has hosted large populations of non-citizen asylum seekers in recent years, told the Maine Wire that the only thing preventing non-citizens from registering to vote is the individuals awareness that it would be illegal for them to do so.

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